The Modern Guardian
"Well, it's great to learn wilderness skills and everything, but is the Guardian Way applicable to our current modern life? ...
What it means to be of service
"... that feeling when you are fully in your element. When everything just flows. And even if you stumble and ...
The only constant is change
The saying “The only constant is change” is not only a Guardian motto, but applicable for all of us. We ...
What we can learn from Wolves
the German version of this blog post can also be found on There are so many stories and myths ...
Becoming Wolf 2023 – Letting go of Expectations
Every training, every experience is different. Especially immersive trainings like the Guardian Training, that is aimed to adapt to the ...
Who is afraid of the big bad wolf?
German version of this blogpost to be found on The topic of the wolves slowly coming back to certain ...
Becoming Protector 2022 – Going deeper
This season's training was focused around truly stepping into our rule as protector for the earth and our people. What ...
Stories from Becoming Wolf 2021 – An Overview of the Mission
Becoming Wolf was the topic of this guardian intensive training. The mission was to learn about wolves in general, and ...
finding your place
Do you know the feeling like you don't belong? Well, I do. I know it like an chronic rash that ...
Only Actions Speak
One of the principles of the Guardian is, that Only Actions Speak. This means, that as long as we only ...