In order to be a fully functioning Guardian, the motto "Life is Training and Training is Life" comes into play. This means that we need to be on top of our skills - both physical and mental. And there is a way to fine-tune our consciousness to the Guardian frequency: Daily Reflections.

Serving our people and protecting our Mother is more than a calling. It is a way of life that permeates our being. No matter what we think or do - and whether or not we are aware of it in any moment - we are living and breathing the Guardian Way.

Like an obsession that is never completely satisfied, we can’t get away from it. At any time of day or night, the rumbling from deep within could surface. It might be triggered by a political injustice, a child without guidance, or a grove of elder trees being sacrificed to greed. It could come from some unknown source. Whatever the case, it must be answered, or it plagues us like a lost and starving puppy.

To answer the calling, we first need to hear it clearly, then determine the direction from which it comes. But we are often busy. Our minds are cluttered. We are stressed. So we tune out the calling or we brush it aside.

"Like a Shadow" by Tamarack Song

The daily reflections are a short sentence each day for you to take in, ponder on, and return to periodically throughout the day, to remind you to stay in Guardian Consciousness. They can be found in the book "Like a Shadow" by Tamarack Song. However, if you want them to be sent to you daily via e-mail, you can sign up for them here (the e-mails also contain the German translation):

It’s the first thing I do every morning when I wake up, and I return to it periodically throughout the day. Some people call it a daily reflection, meditation, or mantra. For me, it’s just an echo of what’s already in my heart - a reminder of who I am and what really matters in life.

"Like a shadow" by Tamarack Song

Some other inspiration to explore the Guardian Way