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One with Nature – Winter Edition

February 1 @ 11:00 February 15 @ 14:00

Experience your True Self through Connection with Others

guided group-experience with a 2-week nature immersion

We live in a world, where we honor comfort above all. Where it seems like the pinnacle of success, when we need to check an app to find out what kind of weather is currently happening where we are. Where we can outsource any small or big thing and only do the things that we like or that we’re good at. Where we might think it’s the best thing to be independent from everyone and everything, only to realize that what we needed the most is gone.

But it’s not too late for us. What if you could jump into the cold water (figuratively, and maybe even literally) to experience a different kind of life. Where we learn to be dependent on each other, but in a healthy way. Where we can get to know parts of ourselves we could never find on our own, because they are only visible to others. Where we can learn to experience Nature in a way that we let go of wanting to control our environment and instead embrace and befriend the uncertainty. Where, through all those experiences we can realize that what we were truly missing was deep connection. To ourselves, others, our surrounding and live itself.

In this immersion we will:

  • take the time to prepare ourselves for a possibly life-changing experience
  • live very simple in the Wilderness
  • learn ways to deal with harsh temperatures and conditions
  • travel through Swedens winterlandscape
  • cook by the open fire
  • make fire with what the land provides
  • connect to the community of non-human beings through tracking, trailing and observation
  • build non-intrusive shelters
  • commune with our surrounding to be open to give and receive gifts
  • learn about weather-forecasting and orienteering
  • work together as a group
  • learn what you’re truly capable of
  • … and a lot more

We believe, that when we take the time to step outside of our comfortzone or what we know, surround ourselves with non-human beings in balance, it is a great environment to truly get to know ourselves not just as individuals, but also our most natural role within a social structure. This allows us not only to learn about our talents and gifts, but also to experience connection and interdependetness.

Who this is for…

This experience is for you, if you are ready to go on an adventure. Since we will be out in nature in winter, this is not for the faint of heart, and there could be very challenging moments. At the same time, it creates the necessity to challenge your beliefs about is hard and what you can do.
Prior outdoor or wilderness experience is recommended, but if there is a will, there is a way.

The setup

The experience starts 6 weeks before we meet in the forest. We will have a preparation call for what gear to bring very early on so that you have time to find what works best for you.
About 3-4 weeks before the immersion there will be 1:1 calls to go deeper into supporting your personal journey. This will also be the time where we will start with the other preparation that you will need to go through from your home before we meet in person. This will include getting to know the rest of the group a little better, adapting your diet, and several exercises for preparing both physically and mentally. This preparation part is aimed to fit in as a natural part of your everyday life as best as possible. You will need internet access to get instructions and to share about how your training is going.
The duration of the immersion is two weeks – during which we will stay in the forest together, leaving access to the civilized world behind.
About 3 weeks after the immersion, we will get together again as a group one more time, as well as 1:1 with one of the guide team to make sure that reintegration is going smoothly.

General Information

This training is a semi-nomadic experience. We will live with only what is really necessary. We live closely together, like a pack of Wolves, and will need to rely on the group and the group will rely on us.

Living immersed in nature – especially in winter – will allow you to experience what it might be like to live like a wild animal on nature’s terms. You will learn how to read the tracks of the wolves and other wild animals and learn from them about living in balance with the Earth. You will get to know the wild in a way not many people do.

We will help each other to embrace our fears and grow into our full potential. Transformation starts from within and we will become what we surround ourselves with – the more we are immersed in nature, the more it will be within us.

We clean up and restore wherever we go, fulfilling our part as Guardians of the forest. We are a circle within all the other circles of life – and live in honor and respect, keeping that in mind.

To get an idea of what kind equipment we will bring along, check out our Clothing and Equipment List.

Your Guides

We have many years experience of Guardian training and clan living in the wilderness to share with you and we will use our shared group knowledge to meet all our needs. This upcoming experience will be guided by Anja “Bones” Kralik and Elisabeth “Swan” Demeter.

For more info about us guides check out: About Us


Early bird price: € 1.300 (application sent in and half the tuition paid before 15.10.2024),
Regular price: € 1.500 (until end of sign-up: 15.12.2024)

The price includes:

  • 4 video calls for gear preparation, group bonding and other aspects of preparation, as well as integration after the immersion
  • 2 personal 1:1 calls, one before the immersion and one after
  • at-home preparation with
    • well-designed information and training impulses as preparation for the immersion
    • feedback any preparation question
    • a space to get to know the group
  • on the ground immersion with
    • 24 hour guidance for the whole two weeks
    • presence of the guides the whole time
    • 2 guides with different areas of expertise to ask for specific guidance

For more info and to apply send us an email at

For more questions, check our FAQ section.

This event is organized through Verein Wilde Wurzeln (association wild roots).

What others are saying…

Initially it was a bit difficult to get a full grasp of the concept. What I would tell someone now is, that it has mainly a (healthy masculine) warrior focus. I would recommend the training because of the dedication and passion of the guides. My biggest learning was the increased trust in my own capability.

~~ Per “Moose” Sörner

Actually going out into nature with you, I recognized that it wasn’t as bad as I would have thought. I saw that my body can actually deal with a lot. Obviously we wouldn’t put ourselves in a situation where we are cold all the time. But we would see that we are having the comfort that we need so that we are able to function. It was a really good perspective for me to gain.

~~ Peter “Vocal” Sass